Employer Partners

Join our Apprenticeship Program

What is an Employer Partner?

Employer Partners are companies in South Carolina that join our apprenticeship program. Path is different from most apprenticeships in the state. Most apprenticeship programs are individual programs set up by large private employers or unions. The reason for this is that it’s expensive to create a program like this, in both time and money.

We created a Group program with the Department of Labor, which allows any employer in the industry to send apprentices to us for training. Our certifications with the government and accreditation bodies become yours by simply joining us.


We will file your paperwork with the Department of Labor for your business and all apprentices from your business who join. We will give you digital tools to track the On-the-Job (OJT) hours for your apprentices and a supervisor at your company will sign them each month. The apprentices attend classes online or in-person after business hours once per week and are taught by teachers at Path. These teachers are industry experts who have worked in the field for years and many still do. We use the NCCER curriculum which is well structured and taught all over the US.

Employer Partners​


The state of South Carolina gives employers annual tax deductions of $1,000 – $3,000 per apprentice, depending on their age and military veteran status.

quality work

More satisfied customers

Increased employee retention