
Jobs can lead to a deadend.
A career provides a path to achieve your goals.

A path to achieve your goals

Fun, smart, enthusiastic co-workers. Interesting conversations and insights learned from a diverse background of individuals, who like you wanted a change, and chose a path in the professional trades.


We’re diverse because each of us has a different background and set of life experiences. Those with GEDs, college degrees, military experience, and more are all part of our unique culture.

At the end of the day you’re measured by your effort and ability to provide value, not by how you look or identify.

Working at Path

Employees who work in our Charleston, SC office have a hybrid schedule, working both at home and in the office each week.

Apprentices — everyone who works out in the field, in other words — do not have the option of working from home due to the nature of their jobs. Construction is a hands-on trade!

Our Employer

Partners offer some, all, or more of this benefits:

Interested in the apprentice program?

We are hiring apprentices right now.
Fill out the form below and we'll send you an email so you can apply.